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Campus Tours


Starting September 2024, Milestones will be offering monthly Campus Tours to interested families.  Tours will be held at 3:45 p.m. Administrators from each of our programs (Preschool, Elementary and Middle School) will be present for the tour and to answer questions.  Families are required to sign-up via the links below.  New sessions will be posted two months prior to tour date.  Space will be limited.  








Open Enrollment


Open Enrollment for the 2025-2026 School Year starts on Monday, February 10, 2025. All applications received on February 10th will have equal opportunity for available enrollment spots. If applications received on the first day exceed availability, applicants will be randomly chosen, and remaining applications will be placed on a waitlist based on chronological order of receipt.  All applications received after February 10th will be handled on a first come, first serve basis for open spots and placement on a waiting list.


Applications will be completed online.   Please reach out to the school's office if you are unable to complete the application online.


The link for brand new families who have never had any student attend Milestones Charter School or Milestones Preschool is here:






The link for families who have students currently or previously enrolled in Milestones Charter School or Milestones Preschool is here:






Prior to February 10, 2025, families may use the linkto open an account or re-establish an account.  An application for the 2024-2025 School Year is currently available.  Applications for the 2025-2026 School Year will be enabled on February 10, 2025.  Parents will need to choose which year to apply for.  Please make sure you are applying for the correct school year.  We recommend you use Microsoft Edge as your browser as we have experienced issues using other browsers.


Students on the waitlist for the 2024-2025 School Year must re-apply for the 2025-2026 School Year.


Please email the school office if you experience any issues opening or re-establishing your account. Email Address:


Accepted families will be contacted via email by the end of March. Families will be provided 2-weeks to accept their enrollment spot. Families on the waitlist will be contacted if families deny or do not respond to their acceptance notification.  





Milestones Preschool & Charter School was established in 1999. Our charter school is a tuition-free public school that offers programs for Kindergarten through Eighth grade students. Our preschool is a tuition-based, licensed program that includes Two’s, Three’s, KPrep and school-age Extended Day programs for our school-age students.


The primary mission of Milestones is to provide an educational experience of the highest quality, while offering a safe and unique environment. The Milestones education program features small classes taught by involved, caring teachers who are responsive to the growing and changing needs of students. The program is committed to challenging academic standards and strong character development.  



Charter School

Milestones offers full-day Kindergarten – 8th grade programs. Our 180-day academic year program starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m.  Occasional Early Release Days are scheduled with a 12:30 p.m. pick-up.




Milestones Preschool opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 5:30 p.m. Milestones offers 5 Half-Day, 5 Full-Day and 5 Extended Day programs for two-year old through pre-Kindergarten (KPrep) children.  Preschool students are enrolled in programs based on age and date of birth and for some by meeting a developmental milestone (i.e. potty-trained).  Milestones enrolls children in programs that they will be in for the entire school year.  Milestones offers a 12-month, starting mid-July through mid-June or a 10-month program, starting in August and ending in May.  Families will choose which program best fits their needs at the time of enrollment. 


Each of our On-Campus Programs consist of age-appropriate teacher-directed and child-directed activities that focuses on cognitive and social-emotional skills, fine and gross motor development with limited screen time.  Age-appropriate expectations allows for an environment of respect and safety.  More information may be found on the Milestones Preschool Program & Tuition Schedule.



Academic Overview-Elementary

Students in our elementary grades receive daily instruction in Reading, Language, Writing, and Mathematics. Science and Social Studies lessons are integrated with math and language arts skills.  Students receive instruction within the whole group, small group, and one-on-one, according to student needs. Milestones elementary instruction is student-driven while covering all grade level Arizona academic standards for each content area. Teachers monitor student progress weekly at the classroom level with lesson and unit standards-based assessments, as well as grade level assessments. Our goal for Milestones elementary students is for them to learn how they learn, how to advocate for themselves, and how to take responsibility for their own success. It is the teachers’ responsibility to support and guide students to meet their goals, as well as provide individualized instruction to meet students’ needs.



Academic Overview-Middle School

Students in Middle School (grades 6th-8th) receive daily instruction in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. These classes are taught by teachers who are Middle School certified and are subject level mastered.  All instruction is driven by Arizona academic standards for each content area.  Teachers monitor student progress weekly at the classroom level within the lessons and unit standards-based assessments, as well as grade level assessments. Teachers provide assistance to students either within the whole group, small group or one-on-one.  Our goal for Milestones Middle School students is for them to gain the academic independence needed to be successful in High School and beyond.  Teachers work with students to establish and work on goals that incorporate accepting responsibility for their individual learning, organizational skills, time management and communication.  


Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning is an important component of a well-rounded educational program.  To assist with supporting our students self-awareness, their ability to understand and manage emotions, goals and behaviors and develop interpersonal skills, Milestones utilizes the Second Step for K-3rd graders, Well-Being program (Studies Weekly) for our K-6th graders and Choices (Scholastic) for our 7th - 8th graders.  




What curriculum do you use?

We have found that with our quickly changing world, we must continuously adapt to our students’ ever-changing academic needs. This means that our staff is constantly working on and exploring new methods and resources to best reach our students. We use several online resources which include Microsoft Teams, I-Ready, and YouTube for Education. Published curriculum materials include Harcourt, Holt, Tribes, Words Their Way, Kim Sutton’s Creative Mathematics, Rocket Math, AIMS and Learning A-Z. Instructional models include Reading and Writing Workshop, Daily 5, cooperative learning, problem-based learning, technology integration, cross-curricular integration, and direct instruction.



How can you meet the academic needs of my child?

We start the school year utilizing I-Ready, an online learning program. I-Ready's diagnostic test places students at their academic level in Math and Reading. This allows teachers to accurately identify weaknesses and strengths and target specific lessons. I-Ready lessons can then be assigned based on individual student levels while students remain with their age level peers. Students who are performing above grade level standards will receive I-Ready lessons to allow for continued growth. Students who need additional support will be referred to our Child Study team, which consists of grade-level teachers and academic support staff.  



Are your teachers experienced?

All our K-8th grade teachers are certified with an average of 15 years of experience and an average of 10 years at Milestones. All of our Elementary and Middle School core teachers have bachelor’s degrees in education, with many also carrying higher level Masters through Doctorate degrees. Our teachers continuously seek Professional Development opportunities to stay informed of current teaching techniques and trends.



Are there different teachers per subject?

Our K-5th grade students remain with their classroom teachers for most of the day. Students may also spend time with grade level team teachers, specialty teachers, or resource teachers during the school day, depending on the activity or student area of need. Middle School students have a different teacher for their core classes, as well as their specialty classes. 



Do you offer specialty classes?

Our Charter students have Physical Education and Art.



What is the typical homework expectation for a Milestones student?

Elementary students in grades K-4 are typically expected to complete homework each school day. Homework is used to review previously learned material and practice current skills. Expect 20-60 minutes of homework per day, depending on the student’s grade level. Students in 5th –8th are asked to complete any assignments that they have not finished while in class. If students use their class time wisely, they can expect to spend 1½ hour or less on homework. There is no homework over the weekend or holiday breaks, unless it is a long-term project that students had time during the week to complete.



Do you provide parent-teacher conferences?

Milestones teachers conduct 1st quarter parent-teacher conferences in the Fall and 3rd quarter Student-led conferences in the Spring. Student-led conferences are just like they sound- Students lead their own conference by explaining to parents what they have learned, their strengths and weaknesses, and progress they have made. Parents and teachers are welcome to request an additional conference with the teacher if the need arises. 



When will parents receive progress updates?

Quarterly progress reports are sent out in October, December, March, and May. Students are recognized for their academic achievements at these times. 



How can I communicate with my child’s teacher?

Specific information about classroom policies and procedures is given at the beginning of the year during Back-to-School Night and Curriculum Night. In order to keep parents fully informed, teachers also send out weekly newsletters to parents via email. Newsletters include curriculum updates and school or classroom reminders. For individual questions and concerns, email is the best way to contact your child’s teacher.  



How do you prepare middle school students for high school?

Our graduating eighth graders enter high school with the confidence that they are academically ready for the rigors of their coursework. Many of our students are accepted into specialized high school courses, as well as advanced level and Honor Roll classes. Students learn in middle school how to manage multiple classes, multiple assignments, as well as different teachers. Many of our students enter their perspective high school with a few classmates from Milestones, and they often stay lifelong friends.



Do students have access to computers?

Chromebooks are provided for on-campus use for our Kindergarten - Eighth grade students. 


Do students at Milestones wear uniforms?

K-8th grade students are required to wear uniforms for majority of the school year. Uniforms consists of embroidered collared shirts or printed t-shirts with the Milestones logo and navy or khaki bottoms. Most Fridays are Free Dress Days. Theme-dressed days are scheduled throughout the school year.



How do you deal with Bullying or Behavior Issues?

We know that despite our best efforts to teach students kindness and safe communication there will be incidents on campus that involve our immediate attention. Our first priority is always the safety of all students and staff at Milestones. When we have ensured that everyone is in a safe place, when appropriate we take unfortunate situations and try to turn them into a learning experience for all involved. When necessary students will receive appropriate consequences for their actions and parents will receive communication from Milestones staff. We appreciate parents who understand that we need to work together to help all involved make better choices in the future.



Are meals provided for students?

Milestones operates a licensed, on-site kitchen.  Lunches may be purchased by families for $3.60 per meal.  Under the Department of Education's National School Lunch Program (NSLP), students may be eligible for a Free or Reduced lunch.  Parents/Guardians must complete an Income Application to determine if they qualify for a Free or Reduced lunch.  Applications are available in the school office.  Reduced meals are 40 cents.  


Do you provide childcare for school-age students?

Milestones provides a licensed, before and after school care program for families of our school-age students. The program opens at 7:30 a.m. and closes at 5:30 p.m. Families are charged a flat monthly rate or by the hour for occasional care. Extended Day is provided on Early Release Days.



Do you have sports?

Our middle school students compete in flag football, volleyball, basketball, and soccer with other area charter schools. 



Do we need to provide supplies?

We will provide you with a supply list before the beginning of the new school year. We aim to list all the supplies that will be needed throughout the entire school year so that you can purchase those supplies when they are at the best discounted prices at local stores. Students will bring all supplies at the beginning of the year and teachers will store and distribute the supplies to be used throughout the school year.

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Tel: (602) 404-1009



4707 East Desert Cactus Street

Phoenix, AZ 85032

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